2019 Volume 9 Issue 5
Article Contents

Jing Shao, Boling Guo, Lingling Duan. ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE TEO-DIMENSIONAL TIME-FRTACTIONAL NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2019, 9(5): 1999-2022. doi: 10.11948/20190065
Citation: Jing Shao, Boling Guo, Lingling Duan. ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE TEO-DIMENSIONAL TIME-FRTACTIONAL NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2019, 9(5): 1999-2022. doi: 10.11948/20190065


  • Corresponding author: Email address: shaojing99500@163.com(J. Shao) 
  • Fund Project: Project supported by NNSF of China (Nos 11671227 and 11271225), NSF of Shandong (No ZR2018LA004), and Science and Technology Project of High Schools of Shandong (Nos J18KA220, J18KB107)
  • In this paper, the two-dimensional (2D) Holf-Cole transformation with mass conservation in the frame of conformable derivative is developed, and then by introducing some exact solutions that satisfy linear differential equations and using the symbolic computation method, four exact solutions of 2D-nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations (NSEs) with the conformable time-fractional derivative are established. Some physical properties of the exact solutions are described preliminarily. Our results are the first ones on analytical study for the 2D time-fractional NSEs.
    MSC: 76D05, 35B65
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