2019 Volume 9 Issue 6
Article Contents

Shuxin Miao, Jing Zhang. ON THE UPSS METHOD FOR NON-HERMITIAN SINGULAR SADDLE POINT PROBLEMS[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2019, 9(6): 2308-2317. doi: 10.11948/20190083
Citation: Shuxin Miao, Jing Zhang. ON THE UPSS METHOD FOR NON-HERMITIAN SINGULAR SADDLE POINT PROBLEMS[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2019, 9(6): 2308-2317. doi: 10.11948/20190083


  • Corresponding author: Email address:18419955028@163.com(J. Zhang)
  • Fund Project: This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11861059)
  • Recently, a new Uzawa-type method, referred as the UPSS method, is proposed for solving the non-Hermitian nonsingular saddle point problems, see Dou, Yang and Wu (2017). In this paper, we give the semi-convergence analysis of the UPSS method when it is used to solve non-Hermitian singular saddle point problems. An example is given to verify the effectiveness of this method for solving non-Hermitian singular saddle point problems.
    MSC: 65F10, 65F15
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