2023 Volume 13 Issue 4
Article Contents

Citation: Yuntao Liu, Tianwei Zhang. PERIODIC DYNAMICS AND MEAN-SQUARE EXPONENTIAL CONVERGENCE OF NONLOCAL STOCHASTIC FUZZY BIDIRECTIONAL ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY LATTICE NEURAL NETWORKS[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2023, 13(4): 1813-1836. doi: 10.11948/20220242


  • Author Bio: Email: jqliuyt@yeah.net(Y. Liu)
  • Corresponding author: Email: zhang@kust.edu.cn(T. Zhang)
  • Fund Project: The authors were supported by Scientific Research Fund Project of Education Department of Yunnan Province under Grant No. 2021J0835
  • This paper firstly establishes the lattice model for nonlocal stochastic fuzzy bidirectional associative memory neural networks with reaction diffusions by employing a mix of the finite difference and Mittag-Leffler time Euler difference techniques. Secondly, the existence of a unique bounded periodic sequence solution in distribution and global mean-square exponential convergence to the achieved difference model are investigated. Some illustrative example is used to show the feasible of the works of the current paper.

    MSC: 39A23, 34A33
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