Citation: | Iury Igreja. STABILIZED PRIMAL AND DUAL HYBRID MIXED DGFEM FOR DARCY FLOW[J]. Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation, 2024, 14(3): 1269-1301. doi: 10.11948/20230087 |
This work presents and analyzes two stabilized mixed hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods (DGFEM) for Darcy flows. The difference between the methodologies lies in the choice of Lagrange multipliers that aim to weakly enforce continuity on the edge/face of the elements. Thus, we study methods with multipliers associated with the normal component of the velocity field and the trace of the pressure field that naturally gives rise, respectively, to primal and dual formulations. However, despite the difference between the formulations, both methods can be associated with the same discontinuous Galerkin formulation. In this sense, the analysis of consistency, existence, uniqueness, and error estimates is similar for both methods, even when continuous interpolations are employed to approximate the Lagrange multipliers. Moreover, stability and convergence rate are improved by adding the least-squares residual forms of the governing equations. Besides, for specific edge/face stabilization parameter choices, the methods become locally conservative, allowing the use of non-conforming Raviart-Thomas spaces. Finally, to illustrate the accuracy, convergence rates, local mass conservation, computational efficiency, and flexibility of the methods, several two and three-dimensional numerical experiments are performed considering homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media.
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Numerical test case 1: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Numerical test case 2: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Numerical test case 3: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Numerical test case 4: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Numerical test case 5: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Numerical test case 6: h-convergence studies of the velocity (top), divergence (middle), and pressure (bottom) comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
p-Convergence studies of the velocity field in two (top) and three (bottom) dimensions comparing SPHM-D, SPHM-RT, and SDHM-C in
Influence of the stabilization parameter
Three-dimensional computational cost of assembly, linear system solver, and post-processing comparing SPHM and SDHM-C formulations increasing the polynomial order and mesh refinement.